Item #11 | Two Dozen Homemade Cookies from Mrs. Beaudoin | Starting Bid $50

Two Dozen Homemade Cookies from Mrs. Beaudoin

This will be auctioned off during the live auction on Saturday, April 24th.


Donated by: Mrs. Beaudoin

See details in description below.

WHAT AN OPPORTUNITY! By winning this bid, you will receive TWO DOZEN HOMEMADE of the famous “Beaudoin Batch cookies (named by our very first CPN Board)! These gems combine the PERFECT blend of crispy and chewy! They will be made to order AND DELIVERED TO YOUR HOME with or without nuts! These scrumptious cookies will be baked by none other than our wonderful Mrs. Beaudoin! Did you know she is a master baker and known far and wide for her delicious cookies? IF YOU LOVE COOKIES….You will want get the winning bid in for this one!

This will be auctioned off during the live auction on Saturday, April 24th.


Donated by: Mrs. Beaudoin